total given to date: $1,720,486.86

For over 130 years First Baptist Church of Moore has been bringing God glory and making disciples of Jesus. The work of the church has continued through many different leaders, locations, buildings, and generations of members. This is possible because, first and foremost, God has kept His hand on us and continued to bless the efforts of His people. Another important factor for our legacy of faith is because previous generations had a heart and mind for the future.



In Psalm 78, there is much said about future generations of believers. Our faith is not supposed to stop with us. We have a biblical mandate to pass on our faith. Generations of faithful First Moore members did that as they took steps and made sacrifices so that First Moore would continue long beyond their lifetime. There are countless people that paved the way for us to be here today and now we are making the call for a new generation of people to focus on the future.

The place where we gather weekly for worship is a wonderful room that we are grateful for, but in many ways, time has passed it by. A worship center that was built for the future in the 1980’s needs a fresh touch for today and beyond. The rooms in which we gather for relationships and encouragement in discipleship are good but will be even more effective with a new HVAC system. As we look to the future, we realize there are steps we must take now to be ready for it.

The future is why we are making these improvements to our campus. Yes, it will help us now, but our motivation goes beyond the here and now. We are doing this “so that a future generation-children yet to be born- might know.” (Psalm 78:6a)


we are focusing our efforts on a two-phase project at this time.

Phase 1: HVAC Replacement

The first phase is to finish replacing our remaining broken and nearly broken HVAC units. This phase will consist of 60 new HVAC units and cost 1.5 million dollars. When complete, all of the HVAC units will have been replaced within the past five years. This phase was completed before the summer heat of 2022.

Phase 2: Worship Center Remodel - Click to see renderings

The second phase will consist of a complete overhaul of our worship center. Carpet, seating, lights, video equipment, and an updated lobby with expanded bathrooms are the highlights. The Steering Committee is working with Torgerson Design Partners, Apollo Building Systems, and Skylark AVL to make this vision a reality. The presentation a recommendation to the church in February 2023 with a design and a budget of 5.25 million. Upon church approval, work will begin in March 2023.


These projects will only be accomplished as the people of God give above and beyond what they regularly do while they seek the Lord and are obedient to Him in:


We must continue to rely upon the Lord every step of the way into the future. If we attempt this project apart from Him and His blessing, we will fail.


Because we trust in God and understand that every thing we have is His we must be open-handed with the resources He has given us. This new work will be accomplished through the above-and-beyond generosity of God’s people.


Giving looks different for every individual and/or family. The biblical example of the Widow’s mite is something for us to keep in mind. A mite for many isn’t a sacrifice but for the widow it was. As we begin this campaign it will likely require us to give up something extra as we are asking you to give in addition to what you normally give. In doing so, we can be a part of what God is doing.


The steps we are taking won’t be quickly accomplished. As we rely upon the Lord to give generously and sacrificially, we must be committed to see it through to the end.


As you seek to be a part of this campaign and give in addition to your normal tithes and offerings there are several ways that you can do so.

Regular gifts.

Some people will be equipped to plan ahead and commit to give a set amount each week or month. You can give regularly in person or online. You can even setup a recurring gift online.

One-time gifts.

Throughout each year we will have three to four Sundays set aside for special one-time gifts to this campaign. This may be the primary way that some people contribute to this effort. For others it may be something they do on top of their additional regular “For the Future” giving.

every gift matters.
there is no gift too small.

If a college student commits to give up one coffee a week that costs $5, that would equal $780 over the life of this campaign.

If a family commits to skip eating out for an entire month, they can give all of the savings to the special offering the next month. If they saved $250 and did that three times a year, that would equal $2250 given to this campaign.

If a couple in the workforce or preparing for retirement has committed to give $200 a month to the campaign and then feels led to give 20% off of some unexpected income of $10,000 they would give a total of $9200 through this campaign.

There are endless ways that people may be led to give to the future of First Moore.
While gift amounts and frequency may vary, what matters is all of God’s people coming together
Every generous act and sacrifice, no matter how small it may seem, can be used by God for one grand effort.