Join us for a meal from 5:30-6:15pm in the Atrium!
6:30-7:30pm - Ministries

Next Gen Ministries


Kindergarten and below

Your little ones will need to be checked in at the West Entrance. After that, you will be directed to drop them off in the appropriate classroom. If you have any questions,
please ask us here.


1st - 6th grade

Kids will also need to check in at the West Entrance.
They will learn about God in an interactive environment that meets them on their level. This year we will use "Bible Skills, Drills, and Thrills" for our curriculum. This curriculum offers a unique mix of activities to help kids build strong Bible skills, strong life application, and a strong foundation of the Bible and its layout.


7th - 12th grade

Doors Open: 6:00pm
Service: 6:30pm - 7:30pm

adult Ministries | equip GROUPS

Women’s Group

Coed group


Cancer Companions meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in E133.  Cancer Companions is a scripture-filled Bible study reaching out to those in treatment, post-treatment and caregivers.  The program lifts up cancer families to feel the support of others, find peace through prayer, and draw closer to Christ.  

GriefShare meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in E237-239. GriefShare is a christ-based support group for people that have experienced the loss of loved one.

Alzheimer Support Group meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 6:30 to 7:30pm in E103. Build a support system with people who understand. Alzheimer’s Association® support groups, conducted by trained facilitators, are a safe place for people living with dementia and their care partners to:

Develop a support system.

Exchange practical information on challenges and possible solutions.

Talk through issues and ways of coping.

Share feelings, needs, and concerns.

Learn about community resources.

Pre-registration is requested. Please contact the facilitator for meeting details:

Debbie Adam
(405) 245-0401