
Backpack Drive for Lion Kickoff

Lion Kickoff is an event on Friday, August 12 for Moore High School and its feeder schools. It’s a great way to start the school year and an opportunity to serve our community! Would you help by donating a backpack full of supplies? If you would rather donate money to help us purchase supplies, you do so online or in person by selecting or marking your gift “backpack project”.

Serving and Donation Opportunities for VBS

A note from our pastor..

“The single, biggest evangelistic event we have all year long for kids is Vacation Bible School. This year, VBS is moving back on campus, and we are hoping to fill our building with boys and girls from all over our community. The focus is simple, tell them about Jesus. Through games, crafts, and Biblical teaching, we will do our best to introduce every kid who comes through the doors to Jesus Christ. We will be sharing that He alone is the "Way, Truth, and the Life." We are praying that the Gospel would be sown into precious little hearts and that many would trust in Jesus for salvation.” - Charlie Blount


If you have any questions, please contact Denise Frazier in the Next Gen office at 405-793-2646 or via email at