Singles Ministry at First Moore
Please call 405-793-2624 for more information or e-mail Raymond Cox or Marji Robison
9:15 A.M.
"STARS Singles" - 40 - 50's — Room E101
“CLASSICS” — 60’s+ — Room E210/211
Sunday Morning Life Groups— They are as follows: 40’s & 50's (STARS) at 9am, and for those who are 60+ (CLASSICS) also at 9am.
Singles Luncheon (second Sunday of each month)—after Worship, in the Fellowship Center $7 per person, FREE to first-time guests.
“Seniors on the Go”
We are a group of Senior Adults who fellowship, eat, pray, worship, and travel together. Anyone who considers themselves a Senior Adult is welcome to join us!
Each Wednesday morning at 10:00am, we have a Bible study with the Pastor and fellowship. It is always a great time! On the second Wednesday of each month we enjoy a lunch together after the Midweek study.
We strive to eat together as a group once a month at a local establishment!
Please call 405-793-2624 for more information or e-mail Raymond Cox or Marji Robison