Next Gen Schedule Change

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Coming up on May 16th we will be making a schedule change in our Preschool Ministry and Kids Ministry that will allow more of our families the potential to be in worship at the same time. Our current schedule has the majority of our parents of younger kids in LifeGroup at 9:30am while their kids are in Ark Worship or Kids Worship. Then, when these parents attend worship at 11:00am, their kids are in LifeGroups. We understand how valuable it is for families to be able to worship together and we also want everyone at First Moore, from the youngest to the oldest, to be involved in a LifeGroup. In order for this to happen, we will be changing when we offer Preschool/Kids LifeGroups and Ark/Kids Worship

As we discussed during the Next Gen Summer Preview on May 5th, starting on May 16th all of our Next Gen Ministry will have LifeGroups at 9:30am and then worship at 11:00am. Here is the new schedule for all of our Next Gen Ministry:

Next Gen Schedule- Beginning May 16
9:30am - Preschool LIfeGroups, Kids LifeGroups, and Students LifeGroups
11:00am - Preschool Ministry, Ark Worship, Kids Worship, and Second Worship Service

If you have any questions, please let us know.