Sermon Series

When Life Seems Out of Control


Throughout our lives most of us have experienced seasons that seem (at least) a little out of control. 2020 has likely been a year that seems chaotic for many of us. Social unrest, political infighting, and a little thing called COVID are just a few of the difficulties that have led us all to feel, in some way, like life is out of control. Yet in the midst of the madness the Bible would remind us that even when life seems out of control and chaotic, that there is a sovereign God at work behind the scenes, who is in control and working all of life’s circumstances according to His divine purpose and plan.

The book of Daniel serves a great reminder that even when life seems out of control, it is not. Daniel, a Hebrew teenager, finds himself in the midst of pagan Babylon. Far away from his family and home, he is faced with seemingly impossible situations all around him, yet there is a constant reminder that God has not abandoned him and is at work in it all. You and I can take heart as we study the first six chapters of Daniel, that regardless of what we face, our God is at work for the good of His people and the glory of His name. When life seems out of control, rest assured that it is in control of the One who loves us and is working for our ultimate good.

Join us on Sundays from October 18 through November 22 as we learn how to trust in God even when life seems out of control. Worship gatherings happen at 9:30 (in-person) and 11:00am (in-person & online).