Super Summer students, remember to be at the east parking lot tomorrow at noon!
Please eat before you arrive and be sure and read through all of the camp info you have already received.
The deadline to guarantee you get the t-shirt size you want for Falls Creek is June 8th. Be sure you and your friends have registered by then!
Want to be in the Falls Creek rules video?
Stay after church on June 12th for lunch and your chance to be a star!
This is your chance to help lead this summer!
If you would like to volunteer to help during one of our three Student Led Worship services, please contact Jason or Sarge.
Falls Creek - June 27th-July 2nd
Help plan camp!!!
Submit your ideas for:
- Promo Video
- Cabin/Stage Design
Let Jason or Sarge know if you have any cabin/stage design ideas.
Upcoming Important Dates:
June 6th-10th - Super Summer
June 27th-July 2nd - Falls Creek
July 16th-22nd - Mission Trip