Announcements - August 6, 2023

5:45pm - Doors Open
6:15pm - Service Starts

This Wednesday is our last night with our graduating class of 2023! Come join us as we celebrate them moving to the college ministry.

We need two or three students to come help handout backpacks and lanyards. If you are available, please contact Jason.

Saturday, August 26th

The Call Conference is for those exploring or pursing a call from God to ministry leadership. See jason to sign up and click the image above to learn more.

Jason needs a copy of your activity schedule.

Upcoming Important Dates:

August 9th - Senior Sendoff
August 11th - Lion Kickoff
August 12th - 7th Grade Welcome Event
August 13th - Promotion Sunday
August 16th - Embracing Generations
August 23rd - Fall Kickoff
August 26th - The Call Conference