Announcements - September 17, 2023

Sunday Life Groups @ 9am
Where Students Belong

Week 4 of our Gideon Series

Snacks & Hangout
6:00pm to 6:30pm

Worship Service
6:30pm to 7:30pm

Open Gym
7:30pm to 8:00pm

SEe You At The Pole
Wednesday September 27th

Upcoming Important Dates:

September 20th - Student Worship
September 24th - See You At The Pole Prayer Service
September 27th - See You At The Pole & SYATP Rally
October 4th - Student Worship
October 11th - Student Worship
October 18th - No Student Worship (Fall Break)
October 22nd - Church Family Meeting
October 25th - Student Worship
October 29th - Trunk or Treat