Next Gen

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5:30 PM17:30

Holy Week Stations

Come prepare your hearts for Easter through First Moore's Holy Week Stations on Wednesday, April 16th and Friday, April 18th.  These stations are self-guided and designed to help you reflect on the gospel story leading up to Good Friday and Easter. The stations will take approximately 15-20 minutes to walk through and will start at the Atrium glass doors that lead into the East Building on the first floor. You are welcome to start the stations at any time they are open on April 16th from 5:30pm-7:30pm and April 18th from 5:00pm-6:00pm. We will also have a children's activity page that will help guide them through the stations along with their parents and childcare will be provided for ages 3 and under only on Wednesday, April 18th.

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7:00 PM19:00

Charity Gayle Concert

Join us for an unforgettable night of worship with Charity Gayle, one of the world’s leading worship artists. Celebrated for her anthems like “I Speak Jesus,” “Thank You Jesus for the Blood,” and “I Believe,” sung in churches around the globe, Charity has inspired millions with her music, amassing over half a billion streams worldwide. Charity and her team will be leading a night of authentic worship that is not to be missed as they tour the country, leading songs from their newest album, REJOICE, and their breakthrough release, ENDLESS PRAISE.

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6:00 PM18:00

Parents' Night Out

Parents’ Night Out, Friday, April 25, from 6-9pm at First Moore. Childcare for infants through 6th grade and there will be special needs care available. The cost is $5.00 per child ($20 family max).

Your kids will have pizza and plenty of fun with other kids here at the church building. If you need a night alone or with your spouse, register by Wednesday, April 23!

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12:00 PM12:00

Church Family Meeting

On April 27, we will be having our quarterly Church Family Sunday. We will have our Sunday morning schedule of LifeGroups at 9:00am and our Worship Service at 10:30am, which will be followed by the two additional events listed below.

Noon- Fellowship Meal We will enjoy a meal together following the worship service. The cost for the meal is $5 per person with a maximum of $20 per family household if you register by Sunday, April 20. The cost will be $10 per person with a maximum of $30 per family household after April 20. A ticket must be purchased for the meal and can be done online or at either connection hub, or west desk (during the week).

Menu- TBD

12:30pm- Family Business Meeting We will review finances from our last quarter, get updated on many of the ministry efforts of the past quarter, and more.

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7:15 PM19:15

Next Gen Summer Kickoff

Our Next Gen Team is planning a great night to help our preschoolers, kids, and students start summer on the right foot. Our summer kickoff will consist of bowling on May 7 from 7:15-9pm at Sooner Bowling Center. This is a free event for the entire church! Join us for a fun evening with your church family as we roll into summer. Food will be available for purchase at the bowling center. Don’t miss it!

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to May 30


  • First Moore Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mission Adventure Camp for kids who will complete 3rd through 6th grade May 27-30.

Registration ends May 4, 2025. 

Parent and Sponsor meetings will be May 14, 2025 from 6-7:30 PM.

A deposit of $60 is required at registration to hold your camper’s spot.

All final payments are due May 27, 2025 at camper drop off.

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10:30 AM10:30

Family Dedication - Father's Day

First Moore’s Preschool Ministry is planning a special time for families on April 15, 2025, with our Family Dedication during our Worship Service. The Bible speaks many times about the importance of parents in the spiritual development of their children. Our goal as a church is to come alongside parents and support them as they disciple their children.

Our Family Dedication Sunday is designed to be a time of commitment and encouragement for parents as they promise to do their best to raise their children God’s way.

After registering your children, please email one picture of each child being dedicated to by June 11.

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to Jul 10

VBS 2025

  • First Moore Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Magnified! VBS will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God!

When: 9am-12pm | Monday, July 7 - Thursday, July 10
Who: For children who have completed Kindergarten through 6th grade (as of May 2025). This registration is for volunteers and participants (kids and special needs).

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4:00 PM16:00

Paint Your Heart Out

Join Mrs. Rachel for a Mother/Daughter (or Female Guardian/role model and female child) for our "Paint your Heart Out" event.  It is February 16th from 4-6 p.m. in the Atrium.  We will walk through a directed painting activity, have a short devo on finding our Identity in Christ, and spend time in fellowship together.  This is for ages 4 and up.  A parent/guardian must be present with child(ren).  We will have light snacks.

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6:00 PM18:00

Night to Shine

We are so excited to host Night to Shine, sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, on Friday, February 7, 2025! Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs, ages 14 and older. We are blessed to be a part of this growing worldwide movement through the local church where thousands of people with special needs will be celebrated, given the royal treatment, and reminded of God’s love for them!

Honored guest registration is full. Join the waitlist.

Serve as a Buddy. A buddy at Night to Shine will accompany and assist an assigned Honored Guest throughout the evening. They will provide companionship and needed assistance to their Honored Guest during the event. This is a great way to serve and help us ensure that Night to Shine is great night for all! Buddies must be at least 16 years old.

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6:00 PM18:00

Parents' Night Out

Parents’ Night Out, Friday, January 31, from 6-9pm at First Moore. Childcare for infants through 6th grade and there will be special needs care available. The cost is $5.00 per child ($20 family max).

Your kids will have pizza and plenty of fun with other kids here at the church building. If you need a night alone or with your spouse, register by Wednesday, January 29!

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12:00 PM12:00

Church Family Meeting

On January 26, we will be having our quarterly Church Family Sunday. We will have our Sunday morning schedule of LifeGroups at 9:00am and our Worship Service at 10:30am, which will be followed by the two additional events listed below.

Noon- Fellowship Meal We will enjoy a meal together following the worship service. The cost for the meal is $5 per person with a maximum of $20 per family household if you register by Sunday, January 19. The cost will be $10 per person with a maximum of $30 per family household after October 13. A ticket must be purchased for the meal and can be done online or at either connection hub, or west desk (during the week).

Menu- Chicken Fried Chicken or Grilled Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Green Beans, Salad, Bread, and Cake.

12:30pm- Family Business Meeting We will review finances from our last quarter, get updated on many of the ministry efforts of the past quarter, and more.

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6:30 PM18:30

Father/Son Nerf Night

Fathers and their sons are invited to join us for a Nerf Night! Bring your own Nerf Gun and we will provide the Nerf bullets.  We will have a short devo/encouragement and then have a friendly competition with Nerf Guns! Light snacks will be provided. This is for ages 4 and up!

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6:30 PM18:30

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

You are invited to join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service! It will begin at 6:30pm and we will share communion, sing Christmas hymns, and praise our God for sending His Son for us. Preschool Ministry will be available for infants - 2 year olds.

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6:00 PM18:00

Parents' Night Out

Parents’ Night Out, Friday, December 13, from 6-9pm at First Moore. Childcare for infants through 6th grade and there will be special needs care available. The cost is $5.00 per child ($20 family max).

Your kids will have pizza and plenty of fun with other kids here at the church building. If you need a night alone or with your spouse, register by Wednesday, December 11! Don’t forget, kids get to wear their favorite Christmas attire!

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5:30 PM17:30

Missions Banquet

On November 24, we will enjoy a church-wide meal together. Gather with us as we celebrate and focus on how our church strives to SEND people to reach the unreached with the gospel. In gratitude, we will share a Thanksgiving meal!

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9:00 AM09:00

Parent Focus Sunday

Dr. Joshua Straub will be our guest speaker for Parent Focus Sunday!

  • 9:00am Session for Parents in Atrium w/ Continental Breakfast

  • 10:30am Dr. Straub will preach in our service

  • 12:00pm Lunch Session (registration required) Free if you register by Monday, October 28. $5 after.

Dr. Straub's official bio:
Josh takes most pride in his role as a husband and dad. On stage, Josh is a speaker, author, marriage and leadership coach, and podcast cohost.

He and his wife, Christi, lead Famous at Home, a company equipping leaders, corporations, and families in emotional intelligence and relational connection. Josh is also a Fellow of the Townsend Institute for Leadership and Counseling.

Josh most enjoys coaching leaders to be famous at home so they can thrive on their stage. He speaks regularly for Joint Special Operations Command and serves military families across the country.

Josh is author/ coauthor of nine books including Famous at Home: 7 Decisions to Put Your Family Center Stage in a World Competing for Your Time, Attention, and Identity and Safe House: How Emotional Safety is the Key to Raising Kids Who Live, Love, and Lead Well. He and his wife, Christi, host the Famous at Home podcast, lead a yearlong coaching program called the Leader's Heart Cohort, and co-wrote three children’s books, What Am I Feeling?, What Do I Do With Worry? and What Do I Do with Anger? to help parents foster emotional awareness in kids.

They also have two children's books to help kids experience the true meaning of Christmas and Easter, 25 Days of the Christmas Story: An Advent Family Experience and 10 Days of the Easter Story: A Family Experience Through the Feelings of Holy Week.

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12:00 PM12:00

Church Family Meeting

On October 20, we will be having our quarterly Church Family Sunday. We will have our Sunday morning schedule of LifeGroups at 9:00am and our Worship Service at 10:30am, which will be followed by the two additional events listed below.

Noon- Fellowship Meal We will enjoy a meal together following the worship service. The cost for the meal is $5 per person with a maximum of $20 per family household if you register by Sunday, October 13. The cost will be $10 per person with a maximum of $30 per family household after October 13. A ticket must be purchased for the meal and can be done online or at either connection hub, or west desk (during the week).

Menu- Pot roast with carrots and potatoes, rolls, salad, and assorted cobblers

12:30pm- Family Business Meeting We will review finances from our last quarter, get updated on many of the ministry efforts of the past quarter, and more.

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12:00 PM12:00

Church Family Meeting

On July 28, we will be having our quarterly Church Family Sunday. We will have our Sunday morning schedule of LifeGroups at 9:00am and our Worship Service at 10:30am, which will be followed by the two additional events listed below.

Noon- Fellowship Meal We will enjoy a meal together following the worship service. The cost for the meal is $5 per person with a maximum of $20 per family household if you register by Sunday, July 21. The cost will be $10 per person with a maximum of $30 per family household after July 21. A ticket must be purchased for the meal and can be done online or at either connection hub, or west desk (during the week).

Menu- Catered by Alfredo’s. Chicken and Beef Fajitas, Rice, Refried Beans, Chips, Queso, and Salsa.

12:30pm- Family Business Meeting We will review finances from our last quarter, get updated on many of the ministry efforts of the past quarter, and more.

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to Jul 31

Pray for Japan

  • First Moore Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Some members of First Moore have a unique opportunity to join with a sister church in Japan (Tokyo Baptist Church- TBC) and help bring the gospel to some communities in and around Tokyo, Japan.   Please support our mission team by lifting them in prayer before the Father during this time. Please pray as the Lord leads you. Please use the following daily prompts as “starters” for your own prayers on their behalf each day.  If you’re uncertain what to say, pray the verses included for each day!  


Monday, 7/22 - Departing OKC around 7:30 AM. After months of anticipation, the team is excited to get going!  Pray for them as they journey many, many hours to have traveling mercies - make all their flight connections, luggage travels with them, and everyone remains healthy. Pray they can rest on the long flights. Ask the Lord to help them be salt and light at all times despite being with “new” travel partners and being away from family and their usual routines. (Col 4:5-6)

Tuesday, 7/23 - Finally arriving in Tokyo around 4 pm Tokyo time.  The team plans to eat supper then get some sleep. Pray that their bodies can easily adapt to the time difference, and that the Lord will grant them rest and recovery from the flights. Pray they can embrace new sights, sounds, and smells as many visit Japan for the first time.  (Is 30:15)

 Wednesday, 7/24 - The team will begin with orientation and have a time of prayer together, followed by lunch. Pray they will each have a learner’s heart and bond quickly as  co-laborers. The early evening will be devoted to prayer walking and evangelism at the Shibuya train station. Ask the Holy Spirit to grant them spiritual insight as they cover the area in prayer on behalf of the lost of the Shibuya area as well as the believers of the local congregation of Tokyo Baptist Church. Ask for “divine conversations” with curious commuters who are interested in spiritual conversations or just practicing their English with an American!  (Col 1:28-29)

Thursday, 7/25 - Pray for the team as they minister in the afternoon to many seniors through the local ministry. Pray they will boldly love these dear ones in ways that clearly reflect how much God loves them. Pray for continued insight and impact as they return to the station in the early evening for more prayer walking/evangelism. (Ps 92:12-15)

Friday, 7/26 - Daytime hours are free time and may be spent in touring, resting, etc.  Pray for each team member to have a growing understanding of local culture and spiritual needs, as well as insight into their own personal walk with the Lord.  (Ps 73: 25-28) As they return to the station in the early evening, pray for key conversations and spiritual breakthroughs among the lost of Shibuya. 

Saturday, 7/27 - Pray for leadership and each team member to have servant hearts, reflecting the heart of Christ (Phil 2: 5-11) as they serve refreshments at the TBC English Cafe where local citizens have been invited to learn and practice their English skills (a favorite of many Japanese!).   Pray for believing hearts to be knit together in the love and unity of the Spirit as our team joins in evening worship with Japanese believers. 

Sunday, 7/28 - Ask for traveling mercies as the team journeys about two hours away to help lead worship among another community (TBC-Misato) of local believers. Ask that these believers will be encouraged by the love, prayers, and service of the team during a time of praise, studying God’s Word together, and sharing a fellowship meal afterwards. Ask the Lord to give the team and local believers insight into how best to help bring the Good News to the citizens of Misato.  (Col 3:12-17)

Monday, 7/29 - As the team ministers alongside a local Detention Ministry, pray they will be salt and light to both those serving time as well as the guards and other staff. Pray that His light will shine brightly in the midst of darkness. Pray for detainees to have openness to a Christian praying with them for concerns for themselves and their families. (Matt 25: 35-40)  Pray for the team to have spiritual and physical endurance as well as boldness as they spend the afternoon in prayer walking and evangelism at a local park.   If the Lord allows, they may be able to minister to homeless in the park. Pray for wisdom and divine conversations to draw those they meet closer to knowing the Lord personally.  (Eph 6: 19-20)

Tuesday, 7/30 - This is intended as a free day for the team. Lift them up as they process all they have experienced and prepare to return to their home culture. Sometimes coming back home can be a greater challenge than going. The team will have had experiences and challenges that friends and family back home might not fully relate to. Ask the Lord to prepare all of us to receive them back and have eager, listening hearts as they use words and photos to share all they’ve seen the Lord do. (Ps 75:1)

 Wednesday, 7/31 - The team will depart Tokyo and return, Lord willing, all in the same day, despite many hours of travel time. Ask again for traveling mercies. Ask the Lord to speak clearly to each individual as well as our congregation at First Moore to understand how He wants us to partner with Him and working with other laborers in His harvest fields around the world. (John 4:34-38)

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